Join the movement to raise your consciousness
and evolve your leadership
Conscious Evolution Movement Training
I WANT TO TRANSFORM MYSELF I WANT TO LEVERAGE MY TEAM'S TALENTS I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY ORGANISATIONA Conscious Collective Evolution movement through Evolution Leadership Training
Become part of a collective: with our Collective Evolution Movement Leadership training, you will become part of a movement unlike any other. Trust in the experienced trainers of PresenceAtWork in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. These alchemists for higher vision leadership will transform you, your team, and your organisation. Through Collective Evolution Leadership training, you will guide your team and organisation with the help of a movement of likeminded CEOs.
Be part of a collective with our Conscious Evolution movement training
Once you have experienced our Conscious Evolution Leadership training, you will become part of a movement. Senior leaders have learned to operate from LOVE and join their forces in an energetic ecosystem now that they have a higher quality presence. Just like the grandiose trees of the Amazon rainforest, they play a key role in providing ‘oxygen’ to facilitate for something new to flourish from within, across and beyond their organisation(s). Like the awe-inspiring trees of the rainforest in the Amazon, leaders who have gone through the Conscious Evolution Leadership training become a movement that provide safety and solace to those that depend on them. They will lift their people up and guide them forward.
Transform your team
Transform your team through PresenceAtWork’s Collective Evolution Leadership training, become part of the movement, develop your leadership, and evolve your organisation. Reach out to our experienced coaches for our unique training formula by calling our office +31 (0)73 800 00 31 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. We are looking forward to starting your transformation.