Embrace the new era with PresenceAtWork

newsletter -
august 2024



Welcome to our August 2024 newsletter

Dear friend of PresenceAtWork,

As we transition from the warmth of summer into a new season, it feels like more than just a change in the weather. To me, we are fully entering a new era: one where technology should not be the only driving force anymore! It is time to embrace other essential aspects now as well, like community building, spirituality and meaning. These elements can all be held together by the power of the human heart. While technology is undeniably fueling change, the future is about more than that and requires something from within us!

To thrive in our fast-paced world, we encourage leaders to balance rational knowledge with their ability to sense, feel and trust their intuition – something many of us still need to develop! If we don’t, we risk our society becoming even colder and more individualistic. 

So, this is not just about keeping up; it is about becoming better – more meaningful and compassionate – versions of ourselves.

The new period ahead perfectly aligns with the work we have been doing at PresenceAtWork for a long time. All our programs are designed to help individuals and organizations better align themselves with this evolving landscape. If this resonates with you and you are curious to learn more, please read on! I invite you to explore the exciting shift we are experiencing, and how PresenceAtWork’s offerings engage with it in this newsletter.

With Heart,
Roelien Bokxem
Founder PresenceAtWork

In this newsletter, I will be covering the following:

  1. Go within and grow
  2. How LOVE can be the signature underneath everything you do
  3. Bridging the gap: Technological advancement vs. Human evolution
  4. PresenceAtWork’s approach: Format for large-scale people transformation
  5. Embracing the shift: Leading with intuition and love in a new era

Go Within and Grow

In a world full of uncertainty and upheaval, many leaders overlook a crucial truth: thriving in today’s (business) landscape requires more than just mental strength and resilience! It demands letting go of what no longer serves us, including our reliance on pure rationality. We need a broader perspective to navigate today’s reality, one that extends beyond what we can grasp with our rational mind. The first step therefore is accepting that the future lies beyond our current understanding and knowledge.

To adapt, we must look inward instead of outward, connecting with a deeper level of (self-)awareness. This is not a quick fix! It is a meaningful journey of discovery and growth that will sustain us over time.

Carl Gustav Jung once said, “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.” This reluctance to look inward is humanity’s greatest blind spot, in my view. While it can feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable, getting to know ourselves in deeper ways, it is essential. Leaders who take the courageous step of improving themselves first – by going within and growing – naturally transform themselves and adapt more quickly. This inward journey not only helps us survive challenging times. It also enables us to thrive in them, as we better align ourselves with our highly advanced, technology-driven world.

We say to leaders: Improve yourself first, go within, and grow! When you do, you naturally change your behavior and come up with better solutions suited for our ever-changing world. I have high hopes that more and more leaders will realize they need a backup plan to navigate and flourish towards the future – and that this journey starts within!

How LOVE can be the Signature Underneath Everything You Do

In our offerings, we guide leaders through practical experiences to understand abstract concepts, helping them connect with their inner wisdom, heart and body intelligence. Ultimately, this journey is about raising our consciousness, as per Dr. David R. Hawkins' research and his renowned Scale of Human Consciousness (pictured here on the right).

Hawkins describes consciousness as “the essence of all existence: an all-encompassing field of energy and awareness that underlies everything in the universe.” It is not just something we possess. It is the core of who we are and the source of all our thoughts and feelings. Consciousness can evolve – from lower, negative states to higher, positive ones – and at its highest level, it aligns with truth, love and the divine. By raising consciousness, we shift from forceful, negative levels to positive, powerful ones that reflect purer awareness and states of being.

When leaders raise their consciousness to the level of LOVE, love becomes the foundation underneath everything they are and do. It is a personal transformation that leads to profound changes: we navigate life with greater ease, sleep better, and feel more grounded. Our thinking is fast and instant, and our solutions become more compassionate, inclusive and fair. When we operate from a place of love, our presence naturally uplifts others and we create a ripple effect of positive change extending far beyond ourselves. 

This is what I mean when I say: “We rise by lifting others!

In any case, it starts with you! It starts with connecting to your inner wisdom, heart and body intelligence, with raising consciousness as a result – individually and collectively. Leaders who have joined us on this journey are seeking more meaningful and impactful lives for themselves and others. You can read their stories and learn about their journeys in our publications/brochures:







Bridging the Gap: Technological Advancement vs. Human Evolution

We live in a rapidly changing and complex world, where technological advancements are outpacing human evolution. Innovation has been prioritized over human development for long now, creating a widening gap. I ask myself: Have we created a world too advanced for our current level of consciousness? I believe we have! In my view, we are seriously lagging behind in our own evolution, which is creating a lot of harm in the world.

When we act from lower levels of consciousness, such as Pride, Anger or Fear (according to Hawkins’ scale), we are at risk to misuse technology. The result? Harmful innovations like ransomware and divisive algorithms that cause suffering. When we learn to operate from higher levels of consciousness, like Reason, Love and Peace, we can harness technology for the greater good.

Therefore, our priority now must be to align our inner evolution with the technological world we have created. The good news is that I truly believe we can make this world a better place, by using the ingenious technology available to us. However, we MUST align our human evolution with it. With the right consciousness as a foundation underneath our actions and behavior, technology will become a powerful force for positive change!

PresenceAtWork’s Approach for Large-Scale People Transformation

The world is tense and unlikely to calm down soon. That is why I encourage you to explore PresenceAtWork’s integrated approach with fresh eyes, as it supports togetherness and is a fast track to ensuring we keep up with the pace of our world. Our solutions shift behavior naturally, by incorporating the intelligence of the body and heart into our methods, helping leaders adapt more quickly and guide their teams effectively. This approach is designed with the aim to raise consciousness, both for individuals and large-scale people transformation trajectories, preparing corporate for the future, TOGETHER.

Let's explore how our offerings portfolio can benefit YOUR 'ecosystem' – whether for individuals, teams or the whole organization. Our aim is to support the growth of wonderful corporate ecosystems that are healthy and strong!


Serves as the umbrella for our work and ideal foundation for pioneering a new way of being for senior leaders. As they start leading from the heart, they ensure that organizational transformation occurs in the right soil. Since adding it to our portfolio in 2020, it has been a product for the happy few; only those courageous and curious enough to embark on a journey of raising consciousness to the level of LOVE. It is like installing a new human operating system, which we call ‘Love-OS’.

Program brochure

Collective Leadership

Our core offering for impactful, large-scale people transformation since 2009. This innovative and proven leadership approach introduces an embodied, systemic and agile way of leading and co-creating together in organizations. By applying our embodied leadership techniques and understanding systemic principles, leaders, teams and entire organizations learn to collaborate and innovate more effectively and fluidly, in order to thrive in today’s challenging business landscape.

Case Study

LBSI Assessment

Our proprietary assessment methodology supports all our work as a strong foundation. It is thed starting point of our people transformation work and ensures that individuals at every level of the organization are grounded, comfortable with themselves and able to access their full body intelligence. This assessment helps teams leverage everyone's natural talents and strengths, and collaborate with flow and ease, in order to flourish together in any situation.

White Paper

Embracing the Shift: Leading with Intuition and Love in a New Era

Leaders around the globe are increasingly realizing the necessity of a profound shift in our human evolution, towards heart-centered leadership. In my experience, this shift has been particularly embraced by non-Western leaders so far, whose deeper spiritual traditions often make them more open to integrating the non-tangible into their leadership. They recognize and accept that not everything needs to be intellectually grasped to have true value.

As we move beyond a world dominated by rationality and cognitive knowledge, we are stepping into an era where sensing, feeling and intuition are equally vital. Leaders who have embraced this shift are already seeing profound changes, from fostering stronger team connections to driving more inclusive, fair and sustainable solutions. Embracing our full-body intelligence – in gut, heart and head – along with activating curiosity and wonder, is key to thriving in this new reality. At PresenceAtWork, we offer programs like Love-OS and Collective Leadership to guide leaders through this transformative journey. We help them tap into their inner wisdom and align with the future ahead.

This is not just a smart move; it is an essential step toward flourishing in our world going forward. What I am emphasizing is that our inner state of being is a powerful and exciting new dimension from which to lead from; not just our work and organizations, but also our personal lives.

If this resonates with you and you are ready to unlock the full potential of yourself and those around you, let’s connect - the journey starts here!

Please contact me personally if you want to explore more about Love-OS and/or sign up for a personal transformation journey

CALL roelien MAIL roelien

Contact Jorn Wolfs to learn more about and explore Collective Leadership and/or our LBSI embodied assessment methodology